駿融企業-固態繼電器、大電流繼電器、磁簧繼電器、磁簧開關、浮球開關、滾球開關、震動開關、角度開關、各種水銀 傾斜開關、溫度開關、編碼器、 NTC / PTC 熱敏電阻、金屬化塑膠膜電阻、金屬化聚丙烯電容、直流馬達 及控制器、扭力感測器、壓力感測器、防火電阻、繞線電阻、水泥電阻、鋁殼電阻、電容器二極體、防火電阻、繞線電阻、水泥電阻、鋁殼電阻、超級精密電阻、高級精密電阻、精密功率電阻、數位電表校正電阻、溫度感測器電阻、精密感測器電阻、客製化感測器電阻、Balco溫度感測器電阻、分流器電阻、精密功率分流器電阻、溫度補償感測器電阻等等 …

DART controls

紫外線感測器 SiC UV TOCONs - UV Sensor with Integrated Amplifier and Voltage Output
A TOCON is a UV photodetector that contains a SiC or a GaP detector chip and an amplifier circuit that outputs a voltage of 0 to 5 V. This output voltage is linear in proportion to the UV radiation intensity reaching the SiC chip. Compared with a bare UV photodiode the TOCON’s big advantage is the amplifier’s position inside the TO5 metal housing and its close proximity to the detector. This construction protects the usually very low current levels generated by the detector chip from electromagnetic interference and also from moisture and pollution induced disturbances. A point to be considered of the TOCON is the lower dynamic range (approx. 3 orders of magnitude) compared with a SiC UV photodiode (10 orders of magnitude). To overdome this disadvantage we offer each TOCON type in many different amplification levels to avoid saturation and too low voltage output levels for nearly all applications.

  • SiC based UV sensor with integrated amplifier and
    voltage output, supply and voltage
    output range 3 to 5 Volts

  • measures intensities from 1.8 pW/cm2 up to 18 W/cm2

  • spectral response for broadband UV or filtered for
    UVA, UVB, UVC or UV-Index

  • GaP-chip based series for blue light hazard measurement

  • Si-chip based series for measurement of visible light

  • various entrance optics available

  • available in TO5 housings or as miniature sensor probes
    (stainless steel or plastic)

  • SiC UV TOCONs 最新產品目錄


[spectral sensitivity from 227 to 360 nm, peak wavelength 290 nm, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance (V_supply=5V) Applications
1.8 pW/cm2 18 nW/cm2 Very low UV radiation detection, flame detection
TOCON_ABC2 18 pW/cm2 180 nW/cm2 Low UV radiation detection, occupational safety
TOCON_ABC3 180 pW/cm2 1.8 μW/cm2 UV radiation detection, occupational safety
TOCON_ABC4 1.8 nW/cm2 18 μW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement
TOCON_ABC5 18 nW/cm2 180 μW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement
TOCON_ABC6 180 nW/cm2 1.8 mW/cm2 Optimized for total sun UV measurements
(not Erythema curve)
TOCON_ABC7 1.8 μW/cm2 18 mW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement,
industrial standard UV radiation
TOCON_ABC8 18 μW/cm2 180 mW/cm2 Curing lamp control
TOCON_ABC9 180 μW/cm2 1.8 W/cm2 Curing lamp control
TOCON_ABC10 1.8 mW/cm2 18 W/cm2 UV hardening control and other very high
radiation sources
[spectral sensitivity from 309 to 367 nm, peak wavelength 331 nm, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance
TOCON_A4 1.8 nW/cm2 18 μW/cm2 UVA radiation detection
TOCON_A5 18 nW/cm2 180 μW/cm2 UVA irradiation measurement
TOCON_A6 180 nW/cm2 1.8 mW/cm2 UVA irradiation measurement
TOCON_A7 1.8 μW/cm2 18 mW/cm2 UVA irradiation measurement
TOCON_A8 18 μW/cm2 180 mW/cm2 Measurement of high UVA irradiation,
curing lamp control
TOCON_A9 180 μW/cm2 1.8 W/cm2 Measurement of very high UVA
irradiation, curing lamp control
TOCON_A10 1.8 mW/cm2 18 W/cm2 UV hardening control and other very high
radiation sources
[spectral sensitivity from 243 to 303 nm, peak wavelength 280 nm, sorted by irradiance]
Model (Datasheet) Approx. max. irradiance Applications
TOCON_B4 7.5 μW/cm2 UVB irradiation measurement
TOCON_B5 75 μW/cm2 UVB irradiation measurement
TOCON_B6 0.75 mW/cm2 UVB irradiation measurement
[spectral sensitivity from 225 to 287 nm, peak wavelength 275 nm, according to DVGW W294/3 and OENORM M5873, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance
TOCON_C1 18 pW/cm2 180 nW/cm2 UVA + UVB blind, for fire detection
TOCON_C2 18 pW/cm2 180 nW/cm2 Low UVC radiation detection, occupational safety
TOCON_C3 180 pW/cm2 1.8 μW/cm2 UVC radiation detection, occupational safety
TOCON_C4 1.8 nW/cm2 18 μW/cm2 UVC irradiation measurement
TOCON_C5 18 nW/cm2 180 μW/cm2 Purification lamp control
TOCON_C6 180 nW/cm2 1.8 mW/cm2 Purification lamp control
TOCON_C7 1.8 μW/cm2 18 mW/cm2 Purification lamp control
TOCON_C8 18 μW/cm2 180 mW/cm2 Curing lamp control
TOCON_C9 180 μW/cm2 1.8 W/cm2 Curing lamp control
UV-Index (Erythema)
[for UV-Index measurements according to ISO 17166, sorted by irradiance]
Model (Datasheet) Approx. max. irradiance Applications
TOCON_E1 3 UVI UV-Index measurements, if an attenuating diffusor is used
TOCON_E_OEM 10 UVI UV-Index measurements, designed to work with customers
cosine correction dome
TOCON_E2 30 UVI UV-Index measurements
Blue Light
[spectral sensitivity from 390 to 515 nm, peak wavelength 445 nm, for blue light measurements, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance (V_supply=5V) Applications
TOCON_blue4 0.9 nW/cm2 9 μW/cm2 Measurement of very low blue light irradiation,
occupational safety
TOCON_blue5 9 nW/cm2 90 μW/cm2 Measurement of low blue light irradiation,
occupational safety
TOCON_blue6 90 nW/cm2 900 μW/cm2 Measurement of blue light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_blue7 900 nW/cm2 9 mW/cm2 Measurement of blue light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_blue8 9 μW/cm2 90 mW/cm2 Measurement of high blue light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_blue9 90 μW/cm2 900 mW/cm2 Measurement of very high blue light irradiation, occupational safety
Galliumphosphide (GaP)
[spectral sensitivity from 240 to 560 nm, peak wavelength 445 nm, for UV + VIS measurements, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance (V_supply=5V) Applications
TOCON_GaP4 0.9 nW/cm2 9 μW/cm2 Measurement of very low UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_GaP5 9 nW/cm2 90 μW/cm2 Measurement of low UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_GaP6 90 nW/cm2 900 μW/cm2 Measurement of UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_GaP7 900 nW/cm2 9 mW/cm2 Measurement of UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_GaP8 9 μW/cm2 90 mW/cm2 Measurement of high UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
TOCON_GaP9 90 μW/cm2 900 mW/cm2 Measurement of very high UV & VIS light irradiation, occupational safety
Silicon (Si)
[spectral sensitivity from 290 to 1010 nm, peak wavelength 626 nm, for VIS measurements, sorted by irradiance]
Approx. min. irradiance Approx. max. irradiance (V_supply=5V) Applications
TOCON_SI1 1.8 pW/cm2 18 nW/cm2 Very low UV radiation detection, flame detection
TOCON_SI2 18 pW/cm2 180 nW/cm2 Low UV radiation, occupational safety
TOCON_SI3 180 pW/cm2 1.8 μW/cm2 UV radiation detection, occupational safety
TOCON_SI4 1.8 nW/cm2 18 μW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement
TOCON_SI5 18 nW/cm2 180 μW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement
TOCON_SI6 180 nW/cm2 1.8 mW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement, optimized
for total sun UV measurements
TOCON_SI7 1.8 μW/cm2 18 mW/cm2 UV irradiation measurement
TOCON_SI8 18 μW/cm2 180 mW/cm2 Curing lamp control
TOCON_SI9 180 μW/cm2 1.8 W/cm2 Curing lamp control
TOCON_SI10 1.8 mW/cm2 18 W/cm2 UV hardening control and other very high
radiation sources
Model (Datasheet) Properties
TOCON_steel_housing Optional steel housing for all TOCONs, M12x1 thread, length 32 mm, supply voltage 7 to 24 V, EMC-safe, integrated sensor connector, incl. 2m cable.
TOCON_PTFE_housing PTFE housing for all TOCONs (except lens cap),M12x1 thread, length 31 mm, supply voltage 7 to 24 V,0 to 5 V signal output, integrated sensor connector, incl. 2m cable.
TOCON_Water_24V PTFE housing for all TOCONs (except lens cap),G1/4 thread, water proof up to 10 bar,supply voltage 7 to 24 V,0 to 5 V signal output,integrated sensor connector, incl. 2m cable
TOCON_starter_kit Kit for initial testing setup, usable with all TOCON detectors (not included),9 V block battery included,separate 4 mm banana plug ground and signal cable for easy connection
TOCON_adjustment_board external TOCON PCB for digital adjustment of customized measurement ranges,usable with all TOCON detectors (not included),can be integrated into all sglux TOCON housings

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Address:4F-3. No.171. Sec.2. Chang An.E.Rd. Taipei. Taiwan. R.O.C.


駿融企業有限公司 版權所有 © 2012 JIN ZON ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
TEL:886-2-2711-1093~5 FAX:886-2-2731-0902 ,2776-4624